Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Stumbling off into the distance...

So yesterday I was all set to post on my fully renovated, ready for action blog. Trying to decide what my first post should be...

My 2 year old Cate's new sticky tape fetish? How much I'm DYING to see Wanted? My total girly crush on Jon Stewart? Some lovely pictures of our island (except maybe not today, cause baby it's cold outside, and I'm home with my two girls with head colds)??

Then I found these blog tips from Jennifer at Playgroups Are No Place for Children - (Thanks Jennifer! And my boy, Cam, totally loved meeting Thomas for real too!) So I'm thinking, she's been around a while (in the blogoverse, not like round the block a few times or anything) and I seethat she says it's a good idea to join StumbleUpon, in fact she says it's Homework.

Homework? Well after 13 years at Uni (don't feel too sorry for me, Americans, our govt student loans are TEENSY compared with what you guys endure) , THAT'S language I can understand, so I'm off to join...

And next thing I know I'm building a simple but completely addictive kaleidoscope with Cate cackling away at it, saying "and da lellow one? and da boo one?" (AND I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW SHE KNEW COLOURS!), while listening to some exciting new music, planning my urban garden, and (wait for it...) reading the first two pages of A Tale of Two Cities (no I'm NOT kidding)... SOMEBODY STOP ME!!

Ok feeling calmer now. They should put some kind of warning label on that thing.

Have you tried Stumbling? What was the coolest thing you found? Go on, just a little. I can totally stop anytime. Really.


Anonymous said...

welcome back to blogging! From a fellow Jon Stewart fan ;)

Manager Mom said...

I tried Stumble but I don't really get it. I have the toolbar and stuff... I dunno. I'm a technology idiot.

Manager Mom said...

Ok - I'm back, after making an effort on the stumble. and I like it! I found a cool Jackson Pollock paint site.